Department for International Education
Department for International Education ensures the involvement of foreign citizens in the preparing department, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, companies-agents for recruitment of foreign nationals for training, draws up contracts with firms for recruitment of foreign students, conducts vocational work, interacts with them. The work is carried out in close contact with the deans of faculties, departments, personnel department, legal department, accounting and so on.
The mission of the Department is to organize work on the participation of the Academy in international programs in the field of science and education in the organization of professional training of foreign citizens.
Main areas of work:
– regular familiarization with the legal framework on training foreign nationals;
– monitoring of foreign experience in the development of education and science;
– establishing and maintaining liaison with diplomatic missions of other countries and with diplomatic missions of Ukraine in other countries;
– involvement of foreign nationals in the preparing department, in bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies. Increasing the number of international students enrolled in the academy.
Address: 24-A, Architect Oleh Petrov Street, office 355, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine

Mykhailo Spilnyk
Assoc. Prof., PhD in Engineering, Head of Department for International Education