Specialty: 191. Architecture and Urban Development
Study program: Architecture and urban planning
Activity on the creation of architectural objects, which includes the creative process of finding an architectural solution and its implementation, coordination of participants’ actions in the development of all planning components, construction and improvement of territories, construction (new construction, reconstruction, restoration, overhaul) of buildings and structures
Перелік сертифікатів НМТ та вступних випробувань
для вступу на освітню програму
Ukrainian language and literature
Creative competition
Що я буду вивчати?

Основні дисципліни, які складають професійну підготовку
- Architectural design;
- History of Architecture and Urban planning;
- Architectural composition;
- Drawing, painting, sculpture;
- Fundamentals of Urban planning and Landscape Architecture;
- Design of the architectural environment;
- Ecological problems of architecture;
- Material science and construction technology;
- Constructions of buildings and structures;
- Engineering equipment of buildings and structures.
Основні задачі, які зможе вирішувати випускник в майбутньому
- Preparation of city-planning conditions and constraints on the development of land in cases and in accordance with the procedure provided by the legislation;
- Implementation of pre-project works in cases of necessity;
- Search for an architectural solution, development, approval in cases determined by law and approval of the project;
- Construction (new construction, reconstruction, restoration, overhaul);
- Development of city planning and planning documentation;
- Performance of working documentation for construction.

Де я зможу працювати?

Основні посади, на яких можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- Architect - developer of design documentation (under the guidance of a certified architect);
- Architect and urban planner (under the guidance of a certified architect)>
- Technician of architectural design;
- Architect-consultant on sales of building structures, materials and systems and their usage;
- Technician-designer (interior, landscape)
Основні місця роботи, де можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- Public and private project organizations and bureaus;
- Design and construction companies;
- Representative offices of manufacturers of building constructions, materials and systems;
- State and municipal authorities.